The Criminal Code of Canada surprisingly does not define Fraud. Instead, it is defined through legal precedence which holds ultimately that “to defraud is to deprive by deceit, to deceive by falsehood to induce a state of mind or to defraud by deceit to induce a course of action”. The Criminal Courts’ have been loath to attempt anything in the nature of an exhaustive definition of “defraud” but one may safely say, that two elements are essential: dishonesty and deprivation. To be found guilty of Fraud, the intentional aspect is needed to be proved by the Crown beyond a reasonable doubt. The accused must have subjective knowledge of the prohibited act and also, subjective knowledge that the prohibited act could have as a consequence: the deprivation of another. Where the conduct and knowledge required by these definitions are established, the accused will be found guilty whether he actually intended the prohibited consequences or was reckless as to whether it would occur. There are numerous types of dishonest activities that can lead to fraud charges such as welfare fraud, corporate fraud, dishonest conduct in business that would cause a deprivation, securities fraud, banking fraud, real estate transaction fraud, mortgage fraud, and investor fraud to name a few.
Avi Baratz trusted fraud defence lawyer represents individuals charged with Fraud throughout Brampton and the Greater Toronto Area. He has a knack for defending these types of cases and enjoys the complex challenges and financial aspects of each case.
See below for various articles related to Fraud and that provide answers to questions you may be having about this topic. You can always contact Mr. Baratz, an assault lawyer in Toronto to discuss your matter or schedule a confidential consultation.
Contact us today to schedule your initial consultation and discuss your case with our experienced criminal defense team. You can reach us by phone at 416-937-3777 or through the contact form. We look forward to assisting you with your legal needs.